Ta-Chih (TC) HSIAO | 蕭大智
Visibility of Taichung
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering
Joint Appointment Associate Research Fellow
Research Center for Environmental Changes
Aerosol and Air Quality Research
Editorial Board Members
Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters
2018 – 2022 | Associate Professor
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 – 2018 | Associate Professor
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering
National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2010 – 2016 | Assistant Professor
Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering
National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
2016. 09. – 2019. 12 | Affiliate Graduate Faculty Member
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
2009 – 2010 | NRC Research Fellow
National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL)
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH/CDC)
2004 – 2009 | Ph.D.
Dept. of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA
2001 – 2003 | M.S.
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
1994 – 1998 | B.S.
Dept. of Civil Engineering
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Honors & Awards
2022 | 110學年度「國立臺灣大學工學院學術勵進獎」
2022 | 110學年度「國立臺灣大學教學優良獎」
2018 | 「國科會大氣學門年輕優秀學者計畫」計畫題目: 大氣環境中無機鹽微粒構形與雲凝結核活化率之影響探討 (執行期限自民國107年8月1日起至民國109年7月31日)
2016 | "Chiu-Sen Award" by Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research (TAAR) / 台灣氣膠研究學會 秋森獎
2016 | Coauthor of the Best Published Manuscript Award 2015 on AAQR: "Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during 2014 7-SEAS Campaign", Journal of Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 15, 2037–2050, 2015 / AAQR期刊2015最佳學術論文獎
2015 | Coauthor of the Best Published Manuscript Award 2014 on AAQR: "An Experimental study on Performance Improvement of the Stairmand Cyclone Design", Journal of Aerosol & Air Quality Research, 2014, 14, 1003-1016 / AAQR期刊2014最佳學術論文獎
2013-4 | 102 及 103年度「國立中央大學年輕傑出教研人員」
2013 | 「國科會環工學門年輕優秀學者計畫」計畫題目: 氣懸微粒構形與密度之量測分析及應用於大氣環境監測 (執行期限自民國102年8月1日起至民國105年7月31日)
2012 | 「台灣職業衛生研討會 張火炎教授紀念獎」論文題目: 以物理性方法控制奈米微粒之評估 (2012年3月7~8日於高雄第一科技大學)
2012 | 「中華民國環境工程學會第24屆年會空汙控制技術研討會優秀論文獎」論文題目: 以COMSOL Multiphysics 模擬氣懸微粒於靜電集塵式細胞株暴露系統中之運動軌跡 (2012年11月23~24日於中原大學)
2012 | AIHA David L. Swift Memorial Outstanding Aerosol Paper Award, “Evaluation of Nano- and Submicron Particle Penetration through Ten Nonwoven Fabrics Using a Wind-Driven Approach”, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 2010, 8, 13-22.
2010 | Best Poster Award, Poster Title: A Wind-Driven Method to Assessing Nano- And Sub-Micron Particle Penetration through Fabrics, AIHce conference, Denver, CO, USA.
2009 | The National Academies Postdoctoral and Senior Research Award, National Research Council, USA.
2006-9 | Boeing Fellowship, McDonnell International Scholar Academy, USA.
2009 | Best Poster Award, Poster Title: Performance Study of Electrically Assisted Virtual Cyclone, AAAR conference, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
2004-5 | The Forest E. McGrath Scholarship, Washington University in St. Louis, USA.